Sunday 24 June 2007

The great EU democracy swindle!

In there latest bid to create a European superstate the Eurocrats in Brussels eagerly assisted by the governments of many member states abandoned any pretext of securing a democratic mandate for what was called until recently the European constitution. In spite of the overwhelming rejection of the constitution in referenda conducted in both Holland and France expansion of the gravy train knows no bounds. Each country's politicians returned from these summits and attempt to reassure their populations that they have secured the best deal for their country's national interest. The solution to the rejection of the constitution has been to call it a treaty instead, thus negating the need for any more referendum and allowing the EU to ramrod through a document which is as illiberal and undemocratic as is possible to imagine being foisted on 27 supposedly democratic countries.

The way in which the EU shamelessly usurps democracy and its unending lust to increase the power which it wields over nearly 500 million people is disgusting it also appears to be unstoppable. In this country we were promised by a manifesto pledge from the current government a referendum on these fundamental changes. which in spite of no longer being called a constitution is in the opinion of most well-informed euro commentators the constitution in all but name. The abilities of our democratic system mainly the parliament in Westminster to set policies and govern our nation in our own best interests will be undermined and debased by the treaty / constitution which the outgoing Prime Minister assures us is a good deal. He also assured us that we need not have a referendum and by implication have no need to debate the content of this document.

Forgive us Mr Blair if we question your judgment on this issue, but given your record when you have asked us to trust you in the past, especially on Europe we might just want to discover for ourselves what the effect is likely to be signing up to this treaty / constitution. Given the mendacity of the EU and our own Government's sudden U-turn on allowing a referendum on these fundamental changes to the way in which the EU is run. It is high time that the British public protest and indeed demand the referendum which we were promised in two Labour manifesto commitments.

If a referendum is not forthcoming our new Prime Minister and his cabinet will be demonstrating monumental contempt for democracy and will be betraying Britain in the process.

The time has come for the BBC to find alternative funding

I have noticed over last few days considerable discussion in the media concerning the impartiality/ bias of the BBC. It is frankly laughable that the last people to acknowledge the obvious bias of the BBC is the corporation itself. It has for at least the last three decades promulgated a sometimes vitriolic left-wing dogma. Its attitude towards the Israeli-Palestinian situation, its contempt for the countryside and hunting with hounds, its obsession with browbeating the British public to believe that man-made global warming is a fact and not merely one scientific theory. Also its most recent hobby-horse its unquestioning acceptance of the banning of smoking in public places. All the above would be bad enough where it funded commercially or by voluntary subscription. The fact that it is funded by a compulsory tax in the form of the licence-fee has become unacceptable to many people in Britain.

The time is now long overdue for the BBC who seem to represent no one except their own woolly-minded left-wing right-on PC views to cut the cord of public funding and stand on its own two feet of as Simon Heffer so rightly said in today's Telegraph BBC bias is so ingrained it can never hope to regain any scrap of veracity in claiming it is an impartial and balanced broadcaster. Since this is the case it must find alternative way of funding its output.